Sunday, September 16, 2012


First of all... my deep and sincerest THANK YOU to the 21 beloved donors, for believing in this project, for trusting me, for being active supporters and putting their money and voices (via comments) where their hearts and mouths are. This film will BE, because of you.

So.. It's a Wrap!  My campaign has wrapped and the project successfully raised $770 (before fees), toward my reworked $4918 short film budget.  What happened to the $12,900 goal, you ask?  Well, when it became evident that the lofty sum would not be met, I reworked the possibilities of the shoot, found individuals who could bring there talents to the table based on the new budget, and VOILA!

One, if not THE, major component to the project was actually gained because of the indiegogo campaign.  So, there were benefits from having done the campaign that I never could have conceived prior.  And, unlike, the project still gets the benefit of the money donated by all of the beautiful, generous believers (minus some mention-worthy fees, but still).  My understanding is that kickstarter keeps (or returns?) the money to the donors if the campaign doesn't reach the intended goal.  And I do get it...  Going in, you believe wholeheartedly that you will champion this baby toward AND reach its goal.  Until, somewhere in the middle of that vast sea of hope, you realize people are floating on their own life preservers or wading close to hore for fear of ... EVERYTHIG.  We, by and large, are all-to-often tuned into the blaring narrative of lack, when we actually HAVE.   We are gasping and praying upon the belief that we are too broke and we can't sacrifice even $10 to support lofty hobbies/dreams/goals like filmmaking. 

I am grateful for this journey because while often I have been consumed with floating and gasping and praying, I don't realize the water is knee-deep.  Or that I did learn to swim. Or that I blow $10 on stupid stuff on a weekly basis.  I am as guilty of singing that song as any of us.  So, what I promised myself coming out of the process is that my current PT salary IS enough and that I'm NOT broke.  I am blessed and I can support indie film and creative projects that might not (otherwise) make it, without my support. 

Onward and upward...

So, today, I started my Starbucks work time by buying a drink for the unsuspecting woman behind me.  I did not want her profuse gratitude.  I modestly said I was on a journey and wanted to do something kind for smene I didn't know, which is true.  But, beyond that, it was to remind myself that it is the generosity of my heart that is the blessing... not the measly $2.00, I spent. 

I am knocking a significant amount of "To Do's" from my list.  The new DP, under the new budget, is breaking down the script and we are meeting to discuss production details next week.  The script has been finalized.  Five of the eight roles are casted.  There's even a soundtrack emerging.  I think this project is going to exceed what I thought possible, no matter the budget.

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