Thursday, August 16, 2012

We're Having a baby... A FILM BABY, that is!

The site for my short-file-to-be, Curdled, launched today.  (WooooHoooo!)  It even got it's first contribution within an hour.  (*Proud parent sigh*)  So, if you haven't already, check it out at  SIDE NOTE: Seeing myself on film makes me wanna hurl somewhere not-so-deep inside.  I don't know how actors do it.  Don't let it disturb you, though.  Every nickel and every prayer are much appreciated.

Since we last "talked," I had a table reading of Curdled at my house which let me know what was working in the script and what wasn't.  I have also been hard at work, making sure that this production goes off without a hitch.  (Is that even possible?)  Oh, AND... I was approached to write a proposal for another film opportunity that I can't tell you about yet.  (When the proposal is approved, you'll be the first... no, FIFTH to know.  Just keeping it "one-hundred.")  But keep all of this goodness and possibility in a positive light for me.

Alrightly then.  I'm keepin' it sweet today.  The coffee shop is closing, I have an appointment and miles to go, 'fore I sleep.  Over the next several weeks, I will be behind the scenes where I belong, working the kinks out to finalize the script.  Here's to the wonderful, nail-biting journey of making a short.  CHEERS!

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