Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Road to Production is Paved with Good Intentions

Outside the guided “film school” realm, this process of making a film is completely nerve-racking to say the least.   People are in one day, and out the next.  Locations change.  And, since I’m not backed by some major studio or production company  (or minor ones for that matter), there’s the fund raising aspect, which is the most terrifying part.  It’s one of those awkward spaces where you know the project is a good one, and that your intentions are good.  But you have to constantly sell people on the idea, make them have faith in you; the period of the incessant pitch.  (At times I feel like the only thing missing is a pair of shiny, black patent leather tap shoes.)  But a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.  So, I keep telling myself to #getoverit. 

I started to realize that my procrastination around making an indiegogo.com campaign video has to do with my ambivalence about putting myself on film.  (Funny thing is, 20 years ago, there wasn’t a still or video camera that I didn’t want to jump in front of.)  Public speaking is cool but having to watch myself do it… not so cool.  (Get over it!)
So, I pulled out my very old but working Sony Hi-8 video camera and positioned it around my house, in our front yard, at my desk, in my car; all in an effort to find the perfect backdrop.  Hated every shot.  Then, I pulled out my handy Canon point-and-shoot, clicked it to the video setting and thought maybe the clearer digital video might resolve the problem.  Didn’t like that either.  And they really might have been okay shots.  I just kept criticizing myself.  I know it’s not about “me,” per se.  But, the last thing I want to do is post a video that doesn’t exude the absolute excitement I have about realizing this project.  Maybe it has to do with my control issues.  Just because I CAN do it doesn’t mean I have to be the one to do it, right?
So, I posted an ad on craigslist.org to find a competent filmmaker to shoot the short interview video and found recent film school grad, Jordan Anonuevo (@mrjza)..   We had great energy over Peet's tea.  He had just the right concepts and direction that I needed to feel confident and effectively communicate my project and intentions, without apprehension or angst.  
Jordan and I are working toward a Wednesday shoot, as in tomorrow, to complete the 2-3 minute indiegogo vid.  Perfecting the script.  Working out the perks.  Making a shot list.  I’m feeling energized again and that’s a great feeling; kinda like the kid who anxiously sells lemonade to raise money for the paint set in the craft store window.  Even further, having Jordan on my team also makes the process less lonely.  He’s extremely knowledgeable about the production process and has great ideas.   He’s onboard and I’m finally over it.
Onward and upward… for real!

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