Thursday, November 15, 2012

SXSW Woman On Fire... YAY-UH!

For those of you who don't know, South by Southwest has grown into the premiere festival of the southwest, officially making Austin one of, if not THE, hippest little spot in Tejas.   
Per the festival, "The South by Southwest® (SXSW®) Conferences & Festivals (March 8-17, 2013) offer the unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies. Fostering creative and professional growth alike, SXSW® is the premier destination for discovery."
For the first time ever, I pitched a panel for inclusion in the film festival and... IT WAS ACCEPTED!  Following is the info.  Now comes the challenge of getting all of these fiery women to buy in so that we can set SXSW aflame.
Saying prayers and crossing my fingers and asking you to do the same!  Hope to see you there! 
Moderator: YOURS TRULY

In the recent Variety Features Women’s Impact Report 2012, the article entitled “TV Open to Femme Helmers but Film Still a Man’s World” reports that women only comprise 13.5% - of around 1,200 - of the Director’s Guild of America’s membership.  For the 2011-2012 season, reported that off and on screen roles for women were drastically down, from big budgets to indies.

While the staggeringly low statistics for women in the film and television industries might make other industry wannabes firm up a Plan B, 2012 also witnessed the rise of Sundance's first African American woman to win its Best Director Prize, Ava Duvernay; the (Mis)Adventures of an Awkward Black Girl web series superstar Issa Rae, and the Empress of Shondaland, Shonda Rhimes, Creator of NBC’s Grey’s Anatomy, its spin-off, Private Practice, and most recently, SCANDAL.

Join this panel of highly decorated women in their fields to take an in depth look at success (how to define and achieve it); how each found her "spark", fanned the young flames and ultimately, became trailblazing "women on fire" in their industries.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Saluting Older Moms... Tell Me Your Story...

Are you an over 35, expectant mom?  Was your child born while you were in your late 30s, or early 40s?  In support of my short film, Curdled (a hilarious look at expectant moms in their 40s), I want to hear from you.  POST A COMMENT and tell the joys and pains of your pregnancy and new mom experience.  I can't wait to hear from you.

Onward and upward...

Shame on you, Dr. Oz!

So, recently I was scrolling through my DVR viewing options and came across a re-airing of the "When are you too old to have a baby?" episode of the Dr. Oz Show.  My DVR is set to record the series, so, needless to say, I'm already a fan.  On the show, Dr. Oz shares a wealth of (sometimes life-saving) information about nearly every aspect of the female body and its inner workings.  Even further, I love the doctor's cool bedside manner and open, honest admission to the faults of his profession. 

All of that said, I was quite surprised that in this particular episode, there seemed an imbalance of information, with a great emphasis on inspring fear in women over 35 regarding the impossibilities of conception. 

Having given birth to three children, with our last little surprise arriving in my 39th year, I have admittedly taken for granted the gift that not all women are blessed with... the ability to conceive.  Much like the woman in Dr. Oz's audience, who stood up with absolute faith and confidence in her own ability "when the time comes," I had always been optimistic about creating a family, never anticipating a complications, even at 39.  (In fact, it wasn't until my doctor started using terms like "high risk" that the thoughts even enterered my body.  But more on that in another post.)

The most frightening moment for me, during the show, was when Dr. Oz introduced "Lady Optimism" to a woman who had experienced great challenges in her attempts to get pregnant, spending an exorbitant amount of money along the way.  I was mortified for "Lady O"!  So much so that I can't even remember if the latter woman had actually even gotten pregnant.  I only can recall turning off the show and carrying the hope that "Lady O" held her optimistic ground.

None of this is to say that every soundbite of information in that episode wasn't true or valid.  My challenge was in the implication that full-term, healthy pregnancy seemed implausible.  The entire show downplayed "possibility" to make room for the "delicate issues" that made pregnancy post 35 (and god-forbid 40), appear foolhardy. 

Even further, had there been pregnant women over 35, in the studio or viewing audience, I can only imagine what kind of anxiety and stress they felt watching the show.  For them, there should have been, at the very least, a balancing effort; a small, Dr. Oz dose of, "If you are over 35, and you are pregnant, congratulations.... and here are a few things you should know."  I wanted him to offer the type of infomation that would have helped me and my random assortment of older-than-40 momfriends, who managed (against the apparent odds) to have uncomplicated pregnancies and delivered beautiful, healthy children; moms who might inspire other women and who would undoubtedly challenge the entire premise for that show.  What about arming the rising population of women who are over 35, and becoming pregnant, with information to ensure the safe arrival of their little miracles?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  Shame on you, Dr. Oz.

Lastly, this, dear Dr., is exactly why I wrote my forthcoming short film, Curdled.  I wanted to make space for women like me to experience the story of possibility and hope.  I want to join the likes of Barbara Hannah Gufferman who, in her Huffington Post article, "Older Mother, Better Mother," talks about her own experience as an "older mom," illuminating mention-worthy realities about later-in-life pregnancy and motherhood.  (Thank you, Barbara!)  Most of all, I wanted to move in the light, the laughter and the joy that comes with creating life.

Onward and upward, friends...
(PS-Older moms ROCK!)

Sunday, September 16, 2012


First of all... my deep and sincerest THANK YOU to the 21 beloved donors, for believing in this project, for trusting me, for being active supporters and putting their money and voices (via comments) where their hearts and mouths are. This film will BE, because of you.

So.. It's a Wrap!  My campaign has wrapped and the project successfully raised $770 (before fees), toward my reworked $4918 short film budget.  What happened to the $12,900 goal, you ask?  Well, when it became evident that the lofty sum would not be met, I reworked the possibilities of the shoot, found individuals who could bring there talents to the table based on the new budget, and VOILA!

One, if not THE, major component to the project was actually gained because of the indiegogo campaign.  So, there were benefits from having done the campaign that I never could have conceived prior.  And, unlike, the project still gets the benefit of the money donated by all of the beautiful, generous believers (minus some mention-worthy fees, but still).  My understanding is that kickstarter keeps (or returns?) the money to the donors if the campaign doesn't reach the intended goal.  And I do get it...  Going in, you believe wholeheartedly that you will champion this baby toward AND reach its goal.  Until, somewhere in the middle of that vast sea of hope, you realize people are floating on their own life preservers or wading close to hore for fear of ... EVERYTHIG.  We, by and large, are all-to-often tuned into the blaring narrative of lack, when we actually HAVE.   We are gasping and praying upon the belief that we are too broke and we can't sacrifice even $10 to support lofty hobbies/dreams/goals like filmmaking. 

I am grateful for this journey because while often I have been consumed with floating and gasping and praying, I don't realize the water is knee-deep.  Or that I did learn to swim. Or that I blow $10 on stupid stuff on a weekly basis.  I am as guilty of singing that song as any of us.  So, what I promised myself coming out of the process is that my current PT salary IS enough and that I'm NOT broke.  I am blessed and I can support indie film and creative projects that might not (otherwise) make it, without my support. 

Onward and upward...

So, today, I started my Starbucks work time by buying a drink for the unsuspecting woman behind me.  I did not want her profuse gratitude.  I modestly said I was on a journey and wanted to do something kind for smene I didn't know, which is true.  But, beyond that, it was to remind myself that it is the generosity of my heart that is the blessing... not the measly $2.00, I spent. 

I am knocking a significant amount of "To Do's" from my list.  The new DP, under the new budget, is breaking down the script and we are meeting to discuss production details next week.  The script has been finalized.  Five of the eight roles are casted.  There's even a soundtrack emerging.  I think this project is going to exceed what I thought possible, no matter the budget.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I finally got the results from the Austin Film Festival.  CONGRATULTIONS to the screenplay (and teleplay) second rounders and semifinalists!  Sadly, my fabulous script, Lady Cowboys, did not advance.  I'm contemplating the services of the fabulous Diane Drake (Only You and What Women Want) to get a proven professional set eyes on it.  We'll see.  The great thing about where I am in my process is that my mourning process for rejection has gotten shorter.  And... I KNOW the script is a good one.  The bad thing about this industry, and about being an artist in general, is that "good" ad "advancement worthy" will always be subjective.  As a member of the Austin Screenwriters Group (ASG), I remember the story of a screenwriter who entered the EXACT SAME SCRIPT into a screenplay competition several years apart from each other.  The first year, the script didn't advance beyond the first round.  The final year of entry, it advanced to the finals.  SAME SCRIPT, NO CHANGES, DIFFERENT YEAR.  Very interesting. 

Tip of the day: Join a great group of writers like the ASG to keep you motivated and grounded about the possibilities.

So, on with the business of the day.  My Indiegogo campaign is drawing to a close.  While it hasn't raised a significant fraction of what is needed to make it under the current budget, I have been offered resources that I NEVER COULD HAVE GAINED had I not gone through this process.  While I wish I could have raised the entire budget and moved forward as planned, which would have been quite a feat, I have NO REGRETS. 

I dragged myself to the Lakeshore Starbucks on what could have been a lazy Sunday.  Gotta  push through this last rewrite for Curdled.  Starbucks is a great place to run into all of the people you've been missing in your life.  (We are all addicted to coffee.)  Today for me, it was my "sister" LaTonda, then my writer/friend Ingrid.  The bad thing about this public workroom is that you can (obviously) become distacted by all of the activity around you. 

Earbuds in... Pandora on... Final Draft open...

She writes...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Results Please... PLEASE!!!

Despicably, today I've effectively bitten all of the nails off of the fingers of my right hand (not quite to the nubs but still) and eaten my 2-day's share of  mint chocolate chip ice cream.  I've been anxiously awaiting the results of Austin Film Festival's Screenplay Competition.  I entered my script, Lady Cowboys, into the competition back in June and the letters of joy and dread are FINALLY landing in mailboxes across the country this week.  As the "Tweets" come through, reporting how other's have fared (California letters have a farther distance to travel, I imagine),  I am trying to hold true to the belief that "no news is good news."  But, honestly, at this point, no news is just making my hair gray, my fingers bald and my belly bulge.

I want to believe that either way, JUST KNOWING will put me out of this misery.  There were a 6,500 entrants this year so, just having entered is something to be proud of... blah, blah, blah... I want this.  The script is a good one.  It's time.  Stay tuned.  I hope to be telling you soon that I...

(PS-If you aren't already, follow me on Twitter quick updates... @SSSOnscreen)

Onward and Upward...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Thank you Jenifer A. Lewis...

"' HOLD THE LINE!'  That's one of the first lines Russell Crowe's (@russellcrowe) character says to his men in Gladiator.  'HOLD THE LINE!'  You might see the arrows coming at you... you might feel like you are on the battlefield alone.  But you (Black Screenwriter) have got to HOLD THE LINE because we (Black Actors/Hollywood) need you!  Too many meople quit just before they make it to the other side.  And that is the difference between successful screenwriters and the next door neighbors.  So..."

She holds me by both shoulders, looks me in my eye...

"Hold the line, and I'll see you on the other side."

We hug and she walks away and I am changed forever. *sigh*

That's either the way my memory serves me or my poetically licensed version of my stolen moment with one of my long-time fave actresses Jenifer Lewis at the 2007 American Black Film Festival in Los Angeles, just after her brief talk following the screening of the film REDRUM (writers: Carl Seaton, Kenny Young; Director Kenny Young).

I write because there would be a part of me that would die a slow death if I didn't.  I write because I always have.  I write because I feel brave and special when I do it.  I write because what I have to say is worth the telling and it helps to change the world one telling at a time. 

Thank you, Jenifer Lewis.  I'm still climbing...

Be Presents... It's a Gift!

Got up late this morning to my toddler tugging at my tummy.  "Belly, please," he whines for his morning sanctum, laying belly-to-belly just before the light of morning fully fills his eyes.  I am old and tired and runnin through the day's To Do list in my mind while he is young and squirmy only wanting this moment. 

Life Lesson #3462... Be present and grateful.  There will come a day when he won't want this. 

We hug and smile, and the day begins.

In this moment, I'm at a coffeeshop.  (Quick aside: if you have an extra $1.75, buy a stranger a cup of coffee.  It changes the possibilities of the day for everyone involved.)  I found an article on Squidoo by "Missy" (LissaKlar) about being over 40 and pregnant.  Good writing and I thought I'd share.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Old Mama's Club

The impetus for my current short film project, Curdled, came from the acknowledgement that three years ago, I became a member of the "old mama's" club a.k.a., the "geriatric mom's" club, a.k.a., the "what-were-you-thinking?" club; a coveted membership for women who've hit 35 and haven't yet "procreated," and a dreaded one for those who thought the missed period was perimenopause.

I laughingly talk with other members of this club about what it means to be figuring out how to manage the new aches and pains of our 35+ or 40-something bodies... with a baby growing in us.  Or chasing toddlers.  And how different it feels from being 26 or 28 and pregnant, the ages of my first 2 pregnancies.

In her article, "Being an Older Mom," Mary Weidler gives her humorous take on the differences.  I've pasted them below for your enjoyment.  Go to the article in its entirety in Disney's Baby Zone.


Excerpt from "Being an Older Mom" by Mary Weidler
...It's easy to tell the difference between the young moms (those that are often mistaken for their child's big sister) and we of the slightly older persuasion. If you're not quite sure, check out these tell-tale signs:
  • A young mom chooses her baby's name sentimentally, poring over name books, discussing selections with family and friends, and learning the meaning of every one of her choices before settling on one that fits her family, style, and last name. (Think Alexandria)
  • An old mom chooses her child name practically, by length; the shorter the name, the easier it will be to teach the child to print it. (Think Al)
  • A young mom demonstrates herkie jumps at the Pee Wee football league cheerleading tryouts without breaking a sweat.
  • An old mom sits in the sweaty storage room and counts pom poms ... and still has to have her feet rubbed afterwards.
  • A young mom arrives to pick up her son at preschool sporting the latest Jennifer Aniston hairdo and wearing a color-coordinated capris-and-crop top outfit.
  • An old mom picks up her son at preschool wearing a tie-dye t-shirt, navy sweatpants, and Keds without socks. Her hair has no style, but there is some toothpaste right in front near the grays.
  • A young mom leaves her kids at the sitter so she can have a dinner-and-dancing date with her spouse.
  • An old mom leaves her kids at the sitter so she can take a nap.
  • An old mom had her first child in the '80s.
  • A young mom was born in the '80s...
Of course, there are benefits to being an older mom. We may not have the energy to run the kids from place to place, but sometimes slowing down to blow pufferballs or read Green Eggs and Ham for the 57th times does bring its own special joy. (And we older moms are the very best for reading to our little ones. Our laps are bigger and more worn-in!)"

And, after all, there is a fate worse than being an old mom. I was reminded of this when I tried talking to a "like soul" at my son's roller skating party. She looked to be about my age; her hair was a bit grayer and her mannerisms more relaxed. As a pair of new moms rollerbladed by, I whispered to her, "Oh, well, I guess us old moms just can't keep up."
"You think you got it bad?" my co-conspirator replied. "I have it worse."
"What could be worse than being an old mom?" I asked.
She smiled. "I'm a young

Friday, August 17, 2012

And the dialogue begins...

It’s 5AM and my nerves have been bad since yesterday’s launch of my campaign for my short film project, CURDLED.  I followed the “Campaign Tips” and inundated FB with news of the launch, along with private messages to friends via text, email, whatever would get it out.  (Indiegogo says nearly 30% of what funds I do raise will come from friends and fam, so…)  I get it.  Times are tough.  And I imagine people vacillating like, “Eat…or donate?  Eat, or donate?  EAT!”  But, if I didn’t ask, my indecision would sound something like, “Fulfill a dream… or, wallow in regret?  Fulfill, or wallow?  Fulfill?  Wallow?"  You get my drift.  So, it is going down!  Worst case scenario, the project raises 30% and moves forward from there.  Best case, it succeeds in raising the goal and we move forward from there.  The point is… the project is moving forward and THAT is what matters. 

With each passing day, I realize the necessity of the story.  There is something completely validating about seeing/hearing your experience reflect through someone else’s telling.  Below, I pasted a recent email that I received from a singer/songwriter friend who read my CURDLED script and was moved to write to me.  She, too, is a “later-in-life” mom who had a very similar pregnancy experience to mine (not the home birth, midwife part, but the emotions and hospital visits).  I’ve edited it down but I didn’t want to take away from her narrative, conversational style so bear with the length.  I am grateful for her story and I encourage YOU, dear reader, to share yours here, or in some other meaningful space.  It’s a dialogue long overdue.  ENJOY!

… What an interesting theme, mom's over 40. You know I had Jazz when I was 41. I turned 42 a month later. Going into my pregnancy, I had no thoughts or preconceived notions about my age being a factor. I was just excited. I didn't think OMG I'm so old and at risk. I didn't even know I was pregnant for over a month. I'd thought that I'd just had jet lag, because I'd returned from a Euro Tour. I was kinda tired. Then, after a month or so, my dresses didn't fit right. Also, there was the absence of my "moon" for almost 2 months. I thought I was going through menopause…
…it finally occurred to me that I might be pregnant.  [My husband] and I were doing our post tour “relax and regenerate” trip up the coast.  We picked up a home pregnancy test in Cambria, and used it when we got to Big Sur.  Upon discovery we were elated.  I decided to call an OBGYN at Cedars …thinking well, this ought to be the best care, right?  Cedars is top of the line.  I was completely ignorant of everything with regards to pregnancy… pretty much functioning off of what society had presented via films and TV, as well as just hearsay and rumor; The general consensus being that you go to a hospital because doctors know best.
I enlisted a well-known [doctor].  I very excitedly went to Cedars for my check-ups. Rushing over the hill to be on time, sweating the cash to pay for expensive parking, only to wait in a waiting room, pee in a cup that I passed through a small door in the bathroom wall, more waiting, finally meeting with the doctor, who was very brief.  I'd leave the office feeling sort of let down... 
…In the next few Doctor's office visits came the questions about tests and how I should take them due to my age.  Then I started to question the questions.  First of all, I didn't feel old until they started telling me I was.  And then I still didn't feel old.  I said no to everything.  I refused the Amniocentesis [and others, and] I started to read about all this stuff they were talking about.  All these tests that don't guarantee anything but had extremely high risks.  And, would I abort my baby because their test may have detected something?  It all just felt so clinical, as though pregnant women had an illness or condition… Instead of a healthy respect for women, bearers of the miracle of life and for the human body, which has known how to do this since the beginning of humanity.  Babies come from God, Jah, Allah… not doctors.  When one encounters a pregnant woman, one ought to bow down before this miracle. 
So all of my questioning seemed to create a bit of tension with the doctor, as though I was challenging the system.  And I was.  I was becoming a parent before the baby was born.  I wanted to know is this stuff safe and I wasn’t getting answers that put me at ease.  The last straw was this.  I'd been gigging, doing shows like crazy and feeling great.  I wasn't sitting around eating bon bons, still taking my walks of a mile or two.  My belly shot out like a cannon and my butt spread like cream cheese.  My ankles were not swollen.  I was still light on my feet on stage and I was super happy. But, in an appointment with the doctor, around 4 months or so, she weighed me and told me to, “lay off the ice cream.”  I was furious.  I wanted to say, “Bitch, I don't eat ice cream. You don't know me!.... Kiss my big...“  Well, you get the idea.  I was upset.  And that was the end of that.  I went into that office that day, floating on a cloud, in my high heels and my stretchy, one shoulder mini dress.  I felt pretty.  When I left, I felt awful.   
This was not how I wanted my experience to be.  And I'd already been avoiding anyone who came to me with negativity.  Ya know, everyone wants to tell you some awful story when they see that you’re pregnant.  Anyway, I fired the Doctor. 
I'd been doing some reading and watching films of home births.  They were some of the most natural, beautiful things I'd ever seen. I spoke to [my husband] about the idea of home birth. We were in agreement. I located a mid-wife; an elderly lady who'd been catching babies for a long time. She'd even been to jail on several occasions as she fought for the right to legalize home births. She had a wonderful, groovy little sweet smelling office in Calabassas… where I asked her a million questions [and] she answered with grace and kindness.  {From her library] I read and read and read about the history of child birth in the country and it was a rude awakening.  She told me to learn as much as I could, but in the end, to follow my instincts because that’s what they're for…  
…My point is that this mindset that women over 40 having babies are at risk, is based on some information that keeps getting repeated, just because that what’s been said.  Just like the procedures that keep being done, because that’s what’s been done; like vaccinations and circumcision.  When you uncover the history of childbirth in the U.S. and why things are done the way they are, you start to wonder why everyone is going along with it.  My mid-wife never mentioned my age.  It just wasn’t a factor. 
Women have been successfully having babies at 40 and over for a long time. I don't recommend that women wait till then, but I certainly wouldn't tell them to freak out if they find themselves pregnant. The fact that you're growing a baby inside you should be sign enough… Life just keeps going on, no matter how human beings try to muck it up… 
…I believe that a pregnant woman should do whatever makes her comfortable. That’s the bottom line. But I would love to see women take back their power in this area of life that solely belongs to them. And have faith in their ability to know what they need. The entire earth and all of its cycles mimic those of the female body. The more we look outside of ourselves to remedy our natural processes as though they do not matter, the more we lose touch with our power and purpose.  No, not all of us are meant to bear children, yet we have our roles to play within our sector of humanity… 
I'd better go to bed. I hope that my ramblings were interesting to you and relevant. I am very excited about your "Curdled" venture, your positive spirit and your art. I look forward to hearing more about your creations...

Thanks for reading, y’all.  Onward and upward…
Always Love…


Thursday, August 16, 2012

We're Having a baby... A FILM BABY, that is!

The site for my short-file-to-be, Curdled, launched today.  (WooooHoooo!)  It even got it's first contribution within an hour.  (*Proud parent sigh*)  So, if you haven't already, check it out at  SIDE NOTE: Seeing myself on film makes me wanna hurl somewhere not-so-deep inside.  I don't know how actors do it.  Don't let it disturb you, though.  Every nickel and every prayer are much appreciated.

Since we last "talked," I had a table reading of Curdled at my house which let me know what was working in the script and what wasn't.  I have also been hard at work, making sure that this production goes off without a hitch.  (Is that even possible?)  Oh, AND... I was approached to write a proposal for another film opportunity that I can't tell you about yet.  (When the proposal is approved, you'll be the first... no, FIFTH to know.  Just keeping it "one-hundred.")  But keep all of this goodness and possibility in a positive light for me.

Alrightly then.  I'm keepin' it sweet today.  The coffee shop is closing, I have an appointment and miles to go, 'fore I sleep.  Over the next several weeks, I will be behind the scenes where I belong, working the kinks out to finalize the script.  Here's to the wonderful, nail-biting journey of making a short.  CHEERS!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Road to Production is Paved with Good Intentions

Outside the guided “film school” realm, this process of making a film is completely nerve-racking to say the least.   People are in one day, and out the next.  Locations change.  And, since I’m not backed by some major studio or production company  (or minor ones for that matter), there’s the fund raising aspect, which is the most terrifying part.  It’s one of those awkward spaces where you know the project is a good one, and that your intentions are good.  But you have to constantly sell people on the idea, make them have faith in you; the period of the incessant pitch.  (At times I feel like the only thing missing is a pair of shiny, black patent leather tap shoes.)  But a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.  So, I keep telling myself to #getoverit. 

I started to realize that my procrastination around making an campaign video has to do with my ambivalence about putting myself on film.  (Funny thing is, 20 years ago, there wasn’t a still or video camera that I didn’t want to jump in front of.)  Public speaking is cool but having to watch myself do it… not so cool.  (Get over it!)
So, I pulled out my very old but working Sony Hi-8 video camera and positioned it around my house, in our front yard, at my desk, in my car; all in an effort to find the perfect backdrop.  Hated every shot.  Then, I pulled out my handy Canon point-and-shoot, clicked it to the video setting and thought maybe the clearer digital video might resolve the problem.  Didn’t like that either.  And they really might have been okay shots.  I just kept criticizing myself.  I know it’s not about “me,” per se.  But, the last thing I want to do is post a video that doesn’t exude the absolute excitement I have about realizing this project.  Maybe it has to do with my control issues.  Just because I CAN do it doesn’t mean I have to be the one to do it, right?
So, I posted an ad on to find a competent filmmaker to shoot the short interview video and found recent film school grad, Jordan Anonuevo (@mrjza)..   We had great energy over Peet's tea.  He had just the right concepts and direction that I needed to feel confident and effectively communicate my project and intentions, without apprehension or angst.  
Jordan and I are working toward a Wednesday shoot, as in tomorrow, to complete the 2-3 minute indiegogo vid.  Perfecting the script.  Working out the perks.  Making a shot list.  I’m feeling energized again and that’s a great feeling; kinda like the kid who anxiously sells lemonade to raise money for the paint set in the craft store window.  Even further, having Jordan on my team also makes the process less lonely.  He’s extremely knowledgeable about the production process and has great ideas.   He’s onboard and I’m finally over it.
Onward and upward… for real!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Every Journey Needs A Roadmap

The script is done... 

...Now, the knees-knocking, nail biting part where I send it out to a handful of trusted friends and industry folks for critique.  I've actually already received notes from one person who subsequently voiced excitement about being a part of the emerging project.  I guess that's a good sign. 

In the days to come, I plan to shoot a short video of me talking about the project, with the intention of finding funding/investors.  I have been encouraged to use and/or  I don't really know the difference between the two but we shall see.  And, I'm in NOW WAY interested in videotaping myself (seeing myself on camera or hearing my annoying, nasally voice), but this movie needs/deserves my best effort.  (ugh!)  There was a suggestion that I solicit hungry filmmakers from a local college to reduce costs, but I have fallen in love with a particular idea of how this will manifest and I am praying that it plays out the way it has in my mind.

So, if you have any suggestions on approach to budget, holler at ya girl!  (Keeping it real.)  And, if you are interested in seeing my (WGA registered) script, let me know.  I'm more than willing to welcome you into my CURDLED world.

Curdled offers a hilarious glimpse at a support group for post-40 pregnant moms.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Here, I'm Good, and I'm Ready to Rock!

A coworker just reminded me that it was Thomas Edison who said,"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work."  For an aspiring screenwriter, let me tell you, there is no more fitting a quote than this.  The paradigm of old has shifted, at best, IF it even exits at all anymore; where some impassioned no-name screenwriter (like me) pecks out a brilliant longshot spec (or seven specs... to date) that becomes a hot, sought-after project, making him (possibly even HER/ME) the hot, sought-after now-AGENTED screenwriter of the moment, penning blockbusters for 6-figure deals at major studios. 

In short, the days of writing your script in a silo and being "discovered" are gone.  On his blog, John August and his contributor talk at length about the fact that a new paradigm has yet to clearly be defined, except to say that screenwriters have to act with more passion, more heart, more motivation, more flexibility and more action than ever before.  And, with the advent of the smart phone video camera accessory, any bearer interested in acquiring quick YouTube fame can shoot a film.  So, those of us who ache with the incurable desire to realize our actual stories must go hard or go home.

The hard part about going ANYWHERE for me, though, is that between my life day-job life, our part-time teens and our full-time three-year-old, support of my drummer/musician hubby/partner, care for my ailing mother and managing my own household, I already have to steal late-night-early-morning -the-baby-is-asleep-coffee-break moments to write.  So when accomplished screenwriters espouse that they "just did it," it is a bit overwhelming.

At the San Francisco Black Film Festival a few weeks ago, I reunited with a Tuskegee brother/friend/classmate (Kevin Avery) who has carved out an impressive career as a working writer/stand-up comedian in L.A., now New York.  Kevin wrote and produced a brilliant short, Thugs, The Musical which was screened at the festival and earned rave reviews.  We laughed through nearly the entire film.  When we weren't laughing, we were composing ourselves for the next round of laughter. "You gotta put something out there.  Let people know you are here."  He told me.  In that moment, I decided, I'm going hard.

I have to let people (other than my family and friends) know that I'm here, I'm good and I'm ready to rock.  I've finally written a viable short script that I feel really proud of.  And, as I claim the script more and more, the necessary pieces for the production of it seem to be falling into place.  Location... CHECK!  Badass Director of Photography... (tentatively) CHECK!  Kick ass actors... CHECK!  Money... well, I'm working on that part.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Inaugural Blog


This is the launch. The FADE IN. The inaugural blog for the SSOnscreen Blog. I’m by no
means a Blog-Virgin. I’ve been blogging for years as a poet/ writer/ mother/ wife/ creative/ world citizen. But I decided to birth this space because I am realizing it will make me a more effective blogger. I read great blogs pretty regularly and the point to them is that there is a point to them! So, this won’t be the gumbo blog of old. This is the blog that will capture my adventures in screenwriting/film/entertainment. The conundrum for me has long been figuring out how to be a positive, contributing, productive part of an industry that has so many negative features. I don’t know. And maybe I will figure out here. But, seven scripts in, I can’t silence the calling. So, I am doing what most obedient spirits do… I’m answering the call.

I’m giving life to the characters who need to be created as much as I need to create them. I’m crafting scenes so vivid in my mind that, since I can't paint them, I must write them. This art gives me the space and time to visualize an artistic rendering of the people and the world I love. The world that challenges me. The people who love and believe in me in spite of myself. The world I hope to make better by sharing this art.

Major shout out to screenwriters John August and Craig Mazin (the former The Artful Writer), for putting so much work and heart into your blogs so that we, the aspiring many, could get so much out of them. Shout outs to my mentors, my children and husband, my extended family, my friends and all of the people who are walking this journey with me; who keep me strong and humble; who inspire me, hang out with me, and check on me to make sure I haven’t fallen victim to this dogged maelstrom of inspiration.

Onward and Upward...